wDear George...

...I admire you.
Seriously, I do. I think there's no other being on this little tiny ball of mud who was blessed with less intelligence and political skill, yet with more influence than you.
Or maybe you're just an idiot with tons of luck. Who is to tell? Not me.


I frequently read through the politics sections of the following newspapers and refer to or quote from:

New York Times
The Guardian
Sueddeutsche Zeitung


CptnChaos' weblog
Annie's weblog

Michael Moore


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wWednesday, August 13, 2003

Dear George...

...you seem to be having that attitude problem again!
I'm sorry I was silent for such a long time, but I was kinda busy following other things. However, today this here caught my eye when checking my online NYTimes.
It goes like this:
"The Bush administration, which had barred concessions to North Korea before it dismantled its nuclear weapons program, is now considering some conciliatory steps. In return, North Korea would have to either fully disclose its weapons or allow international inspectors into the country, administration officials said today."

Maybe it's just a bad way of words on account of the Times, but I daresay they've been in that business too long to let such a faux-pas happen.
What I'm talking about is that arrogance spread all over that simple paragraph. You feel like "granting" something to Korea, a sovereign state, but in return they'll have to allow international inspectors or "fully disclose" their weapons? I mean, who are you to command a sovereign country to do anything at all? Did it even ever occur to you that being sovereign could mean they're out of your chain of commands?
I mean, just imagine if they're like: "Uhm, no, we're not going to do either, go fuck off!"
Then what? Are you going to try and threaten them? With invasion? With bombs?? I daresay that they've made it rather clear what would happen if you try the bully-tactics that you're usually applying ... and they do have the bomb y'know...

So why don't you just go outside, play hide and go ... well ... no, you're doing that already every other day I guess...

posted by --CT at 6:01:00 PM -