wDear George...

...I admire you.
Seriously, I do. I think there's no other being on this little tiny ball of mud who was blessed with less intelligence and political skill, yet with more influence than you.
Or maybe you're just an idiot with tons of luck. Who is to tell? Not me.


I frequently read through the politics sections of the following newspapers and refer to or quote from:

New York Times
The Guardian
Sueddeutsche Zeitung


CptnChaos' weblog
Annie's weblog

Michael Moore


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wThursday, May 08, 2003

Dear George...

...and the crowd goes wild!
So it's Iran, hum?
The New York Times noted today, that the U.S. was "concerned that Iran has stepped up its covert nuclear program(...)" and was now "(...)pressing nations that sit on the board of the International Atomic Energy Agency, which oversees peaceful nuclear programs, to declare that Iran has violated the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty(...)"
So they might be building nukes.
I think I can't stress the possibility factor hard enough on an online board such as this, even more so after what happened - and still happens - in Iraq.

"Such a finding could lead to punitive action by the United Nations, adding pressure on Iran, which is already nervous about American troops in Iraq, the officials said." No shit Sherlock. As a country which doesn't exactly match the "100%-Bush-friendly-and-admiring-him-completely" party, I'd have the living shit scared outta me if your warhounds were at the ready right on the other side of my door - and my door's that wide open. In fact, even if it was the standard vault door taken from a bank and if it was sealed shut, I'd still wet my pants...

I so hope I'm wrong, but it seems that my guesses in my post on 3/19/2003 were not that bad after all. Maybe I should send notes of condolensces to the Iranian people already ... and while I'm at it, why not set some up for the Syrians and the people of Libya?!

Damnit, George, c'mon, are you that daft a prick or have you just lost the entire rest of your anyways-tiny spine and finally follow Daddy's buddies' orders without any thought or criticism?

NYT also states that "while the North Korea situation has received more public attention recently, in part because it has acknowledged its nuclear ambitions, administration officials said that Iran was an equally urgent problem because its program is further along than previously thought."
Let me re-phrase that for the public: You're scared shitless and burnt your fingers when your North Korean buddy told you piss off or he'd let some nukes on the fly.
Isn't that it?


So, how long will it take to move your troops into a position from which you can win over Iran "within days" (as you already did in Iraq, heh) and "with only little to no losses" (as you already did in Iraq, heh)? Four weeks? Six, or maybe even eight? I mean, after all, your soldier's need a bit of rest, right?

posted by --CT at 9:18:00 AM -