wDear George...

...I admire you.
Seriously, I do. I think there's no other being on this little tiny ball of mud who was blessed with less intelligence and political skill, yet with more influence than you.
Or maybe you're just an idiot with tons of luck. Who is to tell? Not me.


I frequently read through the politics sections of the following newspapers and refer to or quote from:

New York Times
The Guardian
Sueddeutsche Zeitung


CptnChaos' weblog
Annie's weblog

Michael Moore


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wTuesday, March 25, 2003

Dear George...

...war is upon you.
And I mean it: it's not upon Iraq, not upon the Iraqi Republican Guard, not upon the Iraqi people; it's upon you.
Oh, of course I'm not talking about the war you're waging in the gulf region; you're all about winning there, and I wouldn't be surprised if you had the country purged of any threat to your goals by the end of April.
But what am I talking about then, if not about your new Gulf War?
Well, there'd be the "Clash of Cultures", the "War of East VS West" and other phrases that jump to my mind.
Osama bin Laden - let's assume for the time being that he actually was behind the 9-11 bombings, even though I generally doubt it - and the people behind Al Quaeda finally got what they wanted: The western world is split, the UN and its ideals have been turned into a farce by your bully attitude and finally there's yet another reason for the sceptics and dislikers of the American people and the attitude of your government to hate you even more: you've brought war to one of their countries.
Without proof, based on a patchwork of guesses and poor excuses you've invaded a country, because you deemed it necessary, because if fitted your interests.

By attacking Iraq, you've entered a spiral of violence, hatred and war that is in the best case hard to slow down - in the worst you're guilty of having started the prelude to a new World War, one that will be fueled by religious differences, religious intolerance, hatred - and all this just because you didn't have yourself and the greedy excuse of government advisors and staff under control. All this just because the idea of "bringing freedom and peace to the Iraqi people" matched so perfectly with your interests in the country's resources, with your military's interests in testing all those nifty new tools they've been creating for the past 12 years, with your definate need to "stabilize" your country's ruined economy - war's always good for the purse, even though it's only a short-time up, but hey, there is money for a time at least, right!? - and with your need of retaliating on all those who dare to oppose, criticize and work against your mission to democratize the world, regardless of the respective traditions, cultures and history.

All in all I have come to think that you're no better than Adolf Hitler was - only that he was a true psychopath (no mentally sane person could have done what he planned), an insane fucker. Do me the favor and show me that you're only a stupid fucker and not of the same (pretty questionable) class as Hitler.
There is yet time and possibility to save a lot, both regarding your country's future and the world's peace - "all you need" is showing some integrity and backbone...

posted by --CT at 4:59:00 AM -