wDear George...

...I admire you.
Seriously, I do. I think there's no other being on this little tiny ball of mud who was blessed with less intelligence and political skill, yet with more influence than you.
Or maybe you're just an idiot with tons of luck. Who is to tell? Not me.


I frequently read through the politics sections of the following newspapers and refer to or quote from:

New York Times
The Guardian
Sueddeutsche Zeitung


CptnChaos' weblog
Annie's weblog

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wWednesday, March 19, 2003

Dear George...

...so what are you aiming at next?
Since it seems that any decisions concerning Iraq are already made, what's your next aim, your next target, the next step on the stairway to a "world without evils"?
My personal route would look like this:
  • Iran - you're almost there anyway and they don't exactly like you a lot, so why not make this a cost-saving trip?
  • Syria - they're close to being the country that is said to hate you most, so obviously, that would be your next target, as you've proven that anyone who dislikes you is enough of a threat to "U.S. security" that he deserves to be bombed to Hell and back.
  • Libya - just for tradition's sake and because you still got to do that final shoot-out with Mr. Gaddafi (even though he's not exactly what people would call "a threat" anymore)
  • North Korea - even though they are said to have "the bomb" you can't possibly let them out, after all, they're part of that favourite axis of yours; plus, they already gave you a kick to the shins when they "escorted" your spy-plane out of their air space...

So, am I right? I'm sure about all those countries and I'm just wondering if I placed them in the correct order. Let me know...

posted by --CT at 10:53:00 AM -


Dear George...

...I was wrong judging you that quickly!
In fact, you're even more arrogant, stupid and daft than I had originally thought.

"Although Mr. Bush has given Mr. Hussein until 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday to leave Iraq or face war, Pentagon officials said the wording of the president's warning on Monday was intended to leave open the option of military action before then in the event that Mr. Hussein rejected the deadline."

I guess I shouldn't be too surprised with you telling a sovereign leader of another country to cower in fear and play run-and-hide, not after you already had "the balls" (if there's a "better" way to castrate a saying, let me know please) to issue that ultimatum to the UN, but you stun me over and over again with your Texan attitude.
Sorry to all the Texans who're not like Bush, I know there're quite a few, but the way of your fine Mr. President is exactly what most people outside of the U.S. would think of a Texan cowboy: guns ablaze and never mind the risks or consequences. Shoot first, there's enough time for questions later...

"Ari Fleischer, the White House press secretary, would not rule out military action before the deadline.
"Saddam Hussein has to figure out what this means," he said."

You know, Ari, I think ... not!
Politics is not about figuring out what this or that means and it has not been for quite a lot of years. Actually, politics is all about telling things so there is no space for misunderstandings; no guess-work, but facts. That's an important thing in general; but it's even more important if we're talking stuff like "war" and "death threats", "hostile invasion of a foreign country" and "orders of assassination".
No idea where you went to school, but this is not like in those Hollywood movies, y'know.
I have to say I'm a lot more confident and a lot more content with how the other side, the "evil enemy of all times", issues their political statements. Let me show you an example of a well-formulated political statement, maybe you'll understand then:

"Iraq doesn't choose its path through foreigners and doesn't choose its leaders by decree from Washington, London or Tel Aviv."

Now, that is a clear statement, I daresay. Leaves no room for interpretations, does it? To me it reads like "fuck off, this is our country and you're not its legitimate, sovereign leader". If it reads like that to you, there's still hope left.
Next time I shall introduce you to the fine art of knowing what you're allowed to do according to UN Charta - and what you're not allowed to do. I think I'll concentrate on the last part, though, you seem to need serious help there...

posted by --CT at 10:18:00 AM -

wMonday, March 17, 2003

Dear George...

...dear Tony, dear José María.
Today I learnt the meaning of "daft prick". And what a coincidence, I already know 3 people who fit that meaning! Coincidentally, those 3 people are ... you!
Seriously, how daft can a prick be? I mean, you're setting new standards. (Just in case you were not aware of this.)
You, the leaders of countries - so-called civilized countries at that! - issue an ultimatum to the UN Security Council!
We're talking about the friggin' UNITED NATIONS for fuck's sake! How on earth can you be arrogant enough to issue a bloody ultimatum to the organization that
a) is designed to keep the world peaceful
b) you're all members of
c) is designed to keep the world peaceful?
Oh wait. Maybe it's because of a) and c), could that be? Maybe you don't want peace, at least not where meaningful words like "Iraq", "Oil", "weapon testing" and the likes are concerned. Just a wild guess though...
Anyway. Let me finish with the words of the day, just to give you a go at understanding what I was trying to say with all those long sentences:


Now go and look it up in the dictionary...

posted by --CT at 11:39:00 AM -